It's cold and flu season. The stomach bug is going around. I feel like I'm in germ hell.
A stomach virus has taken hold of my family and is taking us down one by one. Though I didn't get sick like them.....YET.....I feel a head cold coming on and the sneezing has begun. My kids are complaining of sinus congestion and headaches just days after being hit with uncontrollable vomiting.
Now, we are a pretty healthy family. So having all of us knocked down like this was not expected. However, when the first child fell ill, I didn't want to be unprepared in case it came for all of us. (SPOILER ALERT-IT DID!)
Off to the store I went to pick up some essentials-Pepto and Tylenol.
After surviving 4 different people having this nasty bug in the house I came up with a list of must have items from food to cleaning supplies to have on hand this cold, flu, and stomach bug season.
Hopefully, you won't have to use the Sick Day Survival Kit, but in case you do, it will help you with everything you need until you get better.
Pepto Bismol, (Tums for kids)
Ginger Ale
Saltine Crackers
Chicken Noddle Soup/Chicken Broth
Cleaning Supplies
Disinfecting Spray Cleaner
Paper Towels, LOTS!
Puppy Pads- Put down on bed and on floor to help catch a mess. Or, to help clean up
Bucket- Line a bucket with a plastic trash bag and keep it close to the sick person
Here are some tips to prevent sickness:
Wash your hands as soon as you come home from being out. Whether your kids have been at school, you've bee at the store, pumping gas, visiting family or friends-whatever, WASH YOUR HANDS!
Eat healthy. Keep your body fueled with nutrients to keep your immune system boosted. Drink lots of water, eats fruits and veggies, and cut down on junk food.
Keep hands away from face. Even though you're washing them, just keep hands away from the face!
Stay stress free! Stress will kill your immune system! So meditate, do something you enjoy, take a warm bath, go for an evening stroll, do a yoga routine, relax in bed when you feel tired. Don't overdo it. When you're feeling stressed or worn out-take it easy!
Avoid overcrowded spaces with lots of people. Less people, less germs.
Open your windows once a day to let in fresh air and get the stale air out. You don't want to sit in each other's warm germ air.
Keep house clean and wipe down handles, remotes, switches often.
Hopefully, implementing these tips will help you avoid a major illness this cold and flu season so you can enjoy the holidays!
Stay well, friends!