I've had an amazing summer! The first month was chaotic with all the kids suddenly at home and out of their routines. It was LOUD and CHAOTIC July was busy with BBQs and out of town guests. In the second week of August now and I am enjoying my clear calendar. Thoroughly squeezing every last second of laziness before we are back to our routines of early wake up times, school drop off and pick ups, fighting over homework, tired afternoons, parent meetings, festivals, and birthday parties.
We have just days now before the first day of the new school year. We haven't completed everything from our summer bucket list yet. We still plan on doing some things from our list before August is over. But we all know this last week is really the last hoo-rah of summer..
And even then you know you will have back to school shopping, haircuts, orientations etc. ahead.
So just enjoy the stillness, the calm before the storm. It will be over soon and then you will wish you would've just stayed in bed for extra cuddles instead of worrying about all the things you weren't doing. This is me giving you permission to have a lazy week with your children. A simple, boring, loving week before back to school.
With love,
Patty Turk